Shade Sails - Manufacture and Installation

$75,000 WIWO

Sunshine Coast Business For Sale

$75,000 WIWO

Home Based

Shade Sails - Manufacture and Installation

This great 30+ years profitable enterprise has been trading strongly every year.

Manufacturing and installing shade sails for Residential properties, Government Departments, Schools, Clubs and Commercial Buildings.

With so much rapid expansion in the Sunshine Coast area, the phone doesn't stop ringing.

Orders keep pouring in.

Referrals are constant with a strong order book always in the system.

Includes a range of quality equipment & tools & Late model trade vehicle.

While there is the sun in the sky, this business will have a huge role to play, helping keep both Kids and Adults safe from the harmful rays.

Anyone who loves outdoor work will absolutely thrive in this great business, as there is absolutely everything to love.

Easy to operate simple quoting system, production requires a handyman skill set, 90% of installs are repetitious.

Follow your first job thru the system and nearly all the rest are similar in nature easy peasey.

Also includes an established website with high traffic flow quote requests and two landing pages to generate work in the greater Sunshine & Fraser Coast Areas

Business remains stable and growing through continued referrals and High customer satisfaction.

Owner will Train and Assist - Introductions will be made to Clients and all Suppliers.

A great outdoor lifestyle, a healthy vibrant business and an even healthier bottom line, all adds up to a business you will want to inspect sooner, rather than later.

Call Lee on 0412 205 555

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Business Snapshot

Price: $75,000 WIWO 
This listing last updated:
14th February 2022

Marketing Contact

Marketing Agency

Lee Elson

Key Business and Commercial Sales