Health Equipment - Importation, Wholesale, Online

$1.85 mil

Sunshine Coast Business For Sale

$1.85 mil

ImportOnline BusinessWholesale

Health Equipment - Importation, Wholesale, Online

The health equipment industry is one of the fastest growing in the world today. This exceptional business specialises in offering Australia the Largest Range in the segment which has this business dominating the market.

The original owner has created an opportunity to invest in a business with an established brand, quality product range, experienced staff and proven systems. With a diverse customer base, including leading Australia wide businesses - sales are achieved almost like clockwork.

Many of the products are in-house brands not available anywhere else ensuring high vertical margins are retained.

Operating from a large warehouse and administration facility, well positioned close to major arterial roads for strategic and cost-effective shipping.

Massive E-commerce presence with established outstanding relationship and supply chain. Simple to operate with orders emailed daily products readied for dispatch by the store person and then delivered Australia-Wide Daily.

Traditionally these popular products sell Fast in all economic conditions. Sales increased during COVID and in the financial melt downs of the past the business grew every year.
Highly efficient sales, picking, packing and shipping through the use of powerful ecommerce software systems. Quick re-ordering system with good levels of stock holding to satisfy all sales.

This is the only outlet locally with high visibility and access. NO competition in the area.

The owner currently manages on average around 25-30hrs per week mainly checking on the overall operation as proven systems developed over many years are automated. Monday to Friday only with no after hours required.
A Fully Systemised Business that a Single Owner Operator Could Easily Manage and Earn Good Profits.
This is a popular feel Good industry providing the owner with enormous satisfaction by Enhancing the lives of so many people.
Comes complete with Strong Accountants Financials, Solid Customer Data Base and Fully Trained Operational Staff.

Details available to Bonafide Buyers Only
Please Phone Lee now on 0412 205 555
See more Key Businesses at
Pics Used are for Illustration Purposes Only


Business Snapshot

Price: $1.85 mil 
This listing last updated:
2nd March 2023

Marketing Contact

Marketing Agency

Lee Elson

Key Business and Commercial Sales