Essential Food Production - 5½ Days Per Week - Incoming $46K
Because the business operates partly managed and everything is systemised, A buyer can be confident that the well-trained staff and more than two decades of continuous improvement, have led to a strong systemised business which is ready for someone to step into and start running immediately.
Huge turnover every week - Trading 5½ Days only
Operated by Well Trained, Reliable, Dedicated and Trustworthy Staff.
Affordable rental rate at 6%, Long secure lease and friendly understanding landlord
The Production Facility energised by its own Solar Farm has continually been Upgraded with Quality Fast Operating Plant and Equipment - this setup is almost like a production line; proven systems ensure perfect food always.
No Debtors - incoming daily cash deposits!
Large loyal and established client base.
Situated in an unbelievable location - with many car parks at the entrance and a MASSIVE daily passing trade.
We anticipate this opportunity to be snapped up quickly.
It's hard to go wrong with a food business everybody eats no matter what happens.
Due to the Confidential nature of this exceptional business opportunity, details are only available to Bonafide Buyers by appointment.
Complete Financial Statements are Available.
Full Presentation Available by Personal Appointment Only
Contact Lee on 0412 205 555
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